The vegan cream made in italy, made for whipping. With a bright white colour, a soft taste and a great structure, it engages your creativity for any kind of preparation. It ensures quality whether used pure - to fill, garnish and decorate cakes - or blended, to create new and original creams.

The vegan cream made in Italy
in its whipping version.
With a bright white colour, a soft
taste and a great structure, it
engages your creativity in any kind
of preparation.
It ensures quality whether used
pure, to filling, garnish and
decorate cakes, or blended, to
create always new and original
For cinnamon crumble
- 100 g of chopped white almonds
- 100 g of butter
- 100 g of brown sugar
- 2 g of ground cinnamon
- 80 g of flour
- 20 g of rice flour
For thw pears in red wine
- 4 pears
- 200 ml of red wine
- 300 ml of water
- 150 g of sugar
- 1 piece of cinnamon
- 3 Sichuan pepper berries
- 1 vanilla pod
- the peel of 1/2 orange
For the creams
- 200 ml Pristine Whipping Dairy Free
- 40 g of icing sugar
- 1/2 vanilla pod

Cinnamon crumble preparation:
Mescolare insieme le mandorle tritate, il burro, lo zucchero grezzo, la cannella e la farina. Lavorare velocemente e porre in congelatore finché sarà ben sodo prima di utilizzarlo. Tritarlo e cuocerlo in forno a 160° finché non risulterà dorato.
Preparation of pears in red wine:
Sbucciare 2 pere, dividerle a metà e privarle del torsolo. Versare il vino e l’acqua in una casseruola. Aggiungere lo zucchero, la scorza d’arancia e le spezie. Portare ad ebollizione ed aggiungere le pere; farle cuocere per 15-20 minuti. Scolarle e lasciarle raffreddare. Filtrare il liquido di cottura e farlo restringere alla consistenza di uno sciroppo.
Cream Preparation
Iniziare a montare Pristine Whipping DairyFree con i semi di vaniglia. Quando è semi montata, unite lo zucchero e continuate a montare fino al raggiungimento di una consistenza spumosa e densa.
Distribuire del crumble in ogni piatto e adagiarvi sopra metà pera. Decorare con la panna montata e guarnire con gocce dello sciroppo ristretto. Spolverare a piacere con la cannella.
For cinnamon crumble
- 100 g of chopped white almonds
- 100 g of butter
- 100 g of brown sugar
- 2 g of ground cinnamon
- 80 g of flour
- 20 g of rice flour
For thw pears in red wine
- 4 pears
- 200 ml of red wine
- 300 ml of water
- 150 g of sugar
- 1 piece of cinnamon
- 3 Sichuan pepper berries
- 1 vanilla pod
- the peel of 1/2 orange
For the creams
- 200 ml Pristine Whipping Dairy Free
- 40 g of icing sugar
- 1/2 vanilla pod

Cinnamon crumble preparation:
Pour together the almonds, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and flour. Mix quickly and place in the freezer until it is hard
before using it. Chop it and bake it in the oven at 160 degrees until it is brown.
Preparation of pears in red wine:
Peel 2 pears, divide them in half and remove the core. Pour the wine and water into a saucepan.
Add sugar, orange peel and spices. Boil and add the pears; Cook for 15-20 minutes.
Drain and let cool. Filter the cooking liquid and make it shrink to the consistency of a syrup.
Cream Preparation
Start whipping Pristine Whipping Dairy Free with vanilla seeds. When it is semi-whipped,
add the sugar and continue to whip until it reaches a dense consistency.
Spread crumble on each plate and place half a pear on top. Garnish with whipped cream and with the drops of the syrup.
Sprinkle with cinnamon.