For the mousse
- 350 g of clean peaches
- 120 g of sugar
- 250 g Pristine Dairy Whipping Lactose Free cream
- 12 g of gelatin sheets
- 1 vanilla pod
For decoration
- 1 peach
- 50 g of chopped pistachios
- 100 g Pristine Dairy Whipping Lactose Free cream
- 50 g of pralined hazelnuts
- 100 g of white chocolate

Mousse preparation
Tagliare le pesche a pezzetti, aggiungere lo zucchero e i semi di vaniglia e cuocere per 5 minuti, a fuoco alto, mescolando spesso. Quando saranno cotte, levarle dal fuoco e frullare il composto. Far ammorbidire la gelatina in acqua fredda per 10 minuti e poi scioglierla a fuoco basso con 2 cucchiai di frullato. Unire la gelatina al resto del frullato ed incorporare Pristine Whipping LacoseFree montata.
Versare la mousse nelle coppette e lasciar raffreddare in frigorifero per almeno 2 ore. Disporre delle fettine di pesca, decorare con Pristine Whipping LacoseFree montata e cospargere con granella di pistacchi.
For the mousse
- 350 g of clean peaches
- 120 g of sugar
- 250 g Pristine Dairy Whipping Lactose Free cream
- 12 g of gelatin sheets
- 1 vanilla pod
For decoration
- 1 peach
- 50 g of chopped pistachios
- 100 g Pristine Dairy Whipping Lactose Free cream
- 50 g of pralined hazelnuts
- 100 g of white chocolate

Mousse preparation
Cut the peaches into small pieces, add the sugar and vanilla seeds and cook for 5 minutes, over high heat, stirring often.
When they are cooked, remove them from the heat and blend.
Soften the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes and then dissolve over low heat with 2 tablespoons of the blend.
Add the gelatin to the remaining blended peaches and incorporate whipped Pristine Whipping Lacose Free.
Pour the mousse into the cups and let cool in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Arrange some slices of peach, decorate with Pristine Whipping Lacose Free whipped and sprinkle with chopped pistachios