for the shortcrust pastry
- 450 g of flour 00
- 260 g of butter
- 140 g of icing sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 g of salt
- 2 g of vanilla
for the raspberry confit
- 250 g of raspberries
- 80 g of sugar
- 3 g of pectin
for raspberry ganache
- 200 g Pristine Dairy Whipping 32%
- 100 g of white chocolate
- 30 g of pistachio’s paste
- 5 g of glucose
for finishing
- raspberries
- pistachios
- icing sugar

Preparation of shortcrust pastry
Lavorare il burro morbido con zucchero, unire l’uovo, il sale e la vaniglia. Aggiungere la farina e lavorare velocemente. Lasciar riposare in frigorifero per due ore. Stendere la pasta frolla in stampi e far cuocere a 160° finché risulterà dorata.
Preparation raspberry confit
Frullare i lamponi e setacciare la purea. Versare il composto in una pentola e lasciare intiepidire, aggiungere lo zucchero con la pectina preparato in precedenza. Portare ad ebollizione e cuocere un paio di minuti, mescolando continuamente.
Ganache preparation
Tritare il cioccolato bianco. Portare a bollore 60 g di Pristine Whipping Dairy 32% col glucosio e versarla, in più volte, sul cioccolato. Mescolare in modo uniforme, aggiungere la pasta di pistacchio e la rimanente panna. Frullare senza incorporare aria con un frullatore a immersione. Lasciar riposare in frigorifero per almeno 8 ore.
Spread a thin layer of raspberry confit on the bottom of each tartlet. Whip the ganache and apply it with a sac a poche on the tartlet. Garnish with raspberries and pistachios and sprinkle with icing sugar.
for the shortcrust pastry
- 450 g of flour 00
- 260 g of butter
- 140 g of icing sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 g of salt
- 2 g of vanilla
for the raspberry confit
- 250 g of raspberries
- 80 g of sugar
- 3 g of pectin
for raspberry ganache
- 200 g Pristine Dairy Whipping 32%
- 100 g of white chocolate
- 30 g of pistachio’s paste
- 5 g of glucose
for finishing
- raspberries
- pistachios
- icing sugar

Preparation of shortcrust pastry
Work the soft butter with sugar, add the egg, salt and vanilla. Add the flour and mix quickly. Let stand in the refrigerator
for two hours. Roll out the pastry into molds and cook at 160 degrees until brown.
Preparation raspberry confit
Blend the raspberries and filter the puree. Pour the mixture into a pot and let it cool, add sugar with the pectine previously
prepared. Boil and cook a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Leti t cool.
Ganache preparation
Chop the white chocolate. Boil 60 g of Pristine Whipping Dairy 32% with glucose and pour it, in multiple times, over
the chocolate. Mix evenly, add the pistachio paste and the remaining cream. Blend without incorporating air with
an immersion blender. Let stand in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.
Spread a thin layer of raspberry confit on the bottom of each tartlet. Whip the ganache and apply it with a sac a poche on the tartlet. Garnish with raspberries and pistachios and sprinkle with icing sugar.